Sometimes the hardest part is taking that first step. But what if you had someone there to support and guide you along the way?
Join me for my 12-week Happy, Healthy, Fit Program where you’ll heal your relationship with your body, learn to love yourself, eat intuitively, and move your body because it feels good, not because you think you HAVE to, but because you WANT to. Let’s embark on this journey together.
Fill in the below pre-client questionnaire and we can book in a chat to discuss things further.
Big love,
Coach Lauren
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein
What is your vision for your life?
Have you actually sat down and thought about this before?
Is your current reality a reflection of the kind of life that you wish to be living?
Do you feel stuck in your current reality? Resigned to thinking that things could be any better?
The thing is… things really could be better. And the best part is, it doesn’t need to be hard, and something that you must hustle to achieve. It can be a process that is fun, and that you enjoy. It is your choice. You see, successful people aren’t born successful. They are people just like you and me. What makes them stand out from the rest is that they take the time to make a conscious choice. They become crystal clear on exactly what they are wanting to achieve. They focus their energy towards achieving it, and they commit to working on it consistently until they make it happen.
You are the creator of your life. Every decision, thought, belief and action that you have had in the past has brought you to the point where you are at right now. What is even better is that you can now choose how you wish for your reality to be. It is all a vibration. Your vibrational frequency is completely made up of everything you are currently living and experiencing; and your vibrational frequency effects everything that you wish to call into your life. You may have big dreams about what you want to achieve in your life, but if you are not a vibrational match for it you won’t be able to call it in. You need to raise your frequency and your vibration to match the frequency of what it is you are wanting to call in.
You see, everything is energy and energy is everything. You are a combination of billions of tiny molecules vibrating to a specific frequency. Everything has a vibration and like attracts like. When you are vibrating to a lower frequency everything feels like a challenge. Life doesn’t flow. It feels like an uphill battle. A struggle. Difficult situations surround you. You are filled with a lack of sense of self. When you vibrate at a higher frequency everything happens with ease. Life is magic. Everything you’ve ever dreamed of is magnetised to you.
This is where intentional manifestation comes into play.
When you become intentional with your life, being crystal clear on the ideal vision of the life that you wish to be living. You can then do the internal work, to raise your vibration to match the frequency of it, in order to make it happen.
What does your most abundant life look like?
What would be going on for you?
Ask yourself these question as you reflect upon every area of your life.
- Romance
- Family/Friends
- Health & Fitness
- Abundance
- Purpose
- Passion/Fun
- Contribution
- Spirituality
- Growth/Learning
Close your eyes and begin to tap into the feelings of having already achieved it.
Feel all of the emotions and the feelings, hear the sounds, see the visuals, taste the tastes. Allow your body to feel all of the senses as you connect with your vision.
Focus on where you’d like to be in 2-5 years-time.
Consider your age at that point and you’ll get an instant visual. This will help you to connect to the life vision you’re intending to manifest.
This process may sound simple, but it’s incredibly powerful!
Even elite athletes do this before they run a race. It’s been scientifically proven that when you visualise a scenario in your mind, the same neurons fire in your brain, as if it was actually happening. You are able to connect with the frequency of having already achieved this outcome. Therefore, raising your vibration to match this reality and ultimately you will be able to magically manifest it into your life.
So, now that you have a crystal-clear image of the ideal reality that you wish to be living in every area of your life, I want you to get a pen and paper and write out this vision into a statement.
Key points:
- Write in present tense “I am so happy and grateful that…”
- Make it something that you feel inspired by. Infuse it with passion.
- Don’t let not having enough money, skills or time hold you back.
- Focus on what you’d ultimately love to do, rather than being frustrated with what you are currently doing.
- Put aside any limitations. Dream big and focus on success.
- Describe how you feel and the type of qualities you now embody.
- Align it with your passions, values and goals.
Pro tips to help accelerate the process:
- Save your life vision in the notes in your phone. Whenever you have a spare moment throughout your day read over your vision. Close your eyes and connect with it. Visualise that it is already done. Feeling all of the feelings and emotions of having already achieved it. Tapping into the frequency that it’s already done. The more you tap into it, the more you raise your frequency to the vibration of what it is you’re wishing to call in and the sooner it will happen.
- Write out your vision on a piece of paper and put it on your mirror in your bathroom, so that every time you go to the bathroom you are reminded to connect to your vision. As you wash your hands, close down your eyes and visualise your life vision.
- Create a vision board. Cut out pictures of everything you wish to call in. Spend time every day connecting with it. Close your eyes and visualise yourself living that reality.
- Throughout your day notice all of the small shifts that are occurring in your life that are aligned to your vision and the life that you are calling in. Perhaps you get offered an opportunity, someone links you up with someone who is able to help you achieve your goal. Spend some time each day reflecting upon these events. Acknowledging how amazing it is that these events have happened and smiling to yourself as you pat yourself on the back for your efforts.
Having this awareness helps cement these progressions into your conscious mind. By focusing on these small wins and celebrating them, with deliberate and focused attention, you are able to raise your frequency and magnetise more opportunities that are of a similar vibration into your life.
- If you really want to accelerate the manifestation process even faster do breath work and movement. This is something that I can take you through, as you want to ensure that you find someone that can guide you through it safely. By doing breath work and movement it helps shift and re-wire your entire nervous system and neural pathways in your brain. Releasing what is holding you back, so that you can unlock your full potential and accelerate the manifestation process.
- Work with me! By investing in a coach or a mentor. Someone who has already achieved the results that you’re after and can show you how they did it. So that you can short cut the process and not have to spend years doing trial and error like I did initially.
If there is any way that I can help you to release whatever is holding you back, so that you can begin living life as the happiest, healthiest, and healed version of you then please feel free to reach out… I’m sure that we could create some magic together.
And remember…
“You are stronger than you think, powerful beyond belief, and more capable than you imagine. It’s your time now!” Lauren Prosser